Grow Young

Rank: 1425 / 1746

2 selected videos

An introduction to health and longevity (S01E01)

An introduction to health and longevity. This the first episode in a series I am doing on health and longevity / anti-aging.

The main 2 points in this talk:

(1) We don't all age at the same rate

(2) Even within our body, not all systems age at the same rate

Overall message - it IS possible to reverse certain aspects of our own aging and to slow down other areas where our body is aging.

In the next episode we will start to lay a foundation for our anti-aging plan.

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Related topics : longevity anti aging foundation / anti aging body / anti aging plan

Why do we need an anti-aging plan? (S01E02)

Why do we need an anti-aging plan? So we can maximise the number of healthy active years we can enjoy.

Our longevity plan is based on the acronym, S.E.L.F. G.P. or Peaceful, Passionate S.E.L.F.

We need good:





Along with G.oals and P.eace (lack of stress)

The chipmunk voice with echo is actually intended. I got sick of my own voice, lol.

Most people think it's some audio glitch.

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Related topics : anti aging plan